Nationwide Protest: Abort Mission, Third Republic lawmakers beg organisers


Members of Nigeria’s Third Republic lawmakers have appealed to organisers of the planned nationwide protest to abort mission and bury the plan.

The group made the appeal during a press conference held at the National Assembly Complex in Abuja on Friday.

Leader of the group, Mr. Basil Okafor, expressed concerns that the negative impacts of the protest could potentially outweigh any possible benefits.

“The right to protest is a fundamental aspect of any democracy. However, it is important to recognize the potential negative consequences when protests occur in a tense atmosphere, especially given the prevalence of drug use among youths.”

“Recent events in Kenya and Uganda provide typical examples of the type of situations the planners seem intent on emulating and perpetrating in Nigeria.

“While peaceful and responsible protests have the power to highlight important social, political, and economic issues, giving people a platform to be heard, fostering dialogue, and promoting change, they can also have a downside. In a society already burdened with tension, protests can worsen existing problems, further dividing people and escalating tensions,” Okafor said.

“It is important to recognise that a tense society is often characterized by polarised opinions, conflicting ideologies, and deep-seated emotions. In such an environment, protests can easily become breeding grounds for violence and unrest. The frustration, anger, and resentment that lie beneath the surface can erupt into chaos, undermining the very purpose of the protest and causing harm to individuals and property.

“Secondly, protests in a tense society can be vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by various stakeholders. During periods of tension and conflict, extremist groups or political factions may hijack peaceful demonstrations to further their own agendas. They can infiltrate these protests, incite violence, and spread misinformation, thereby distorting the original purpose and diluting the message of the protest.”

“Protests in a tense society often lead to a breakdown in communication and dialogue. Instead of fostering understanding and empathy, they deepen divisions and create an ‘us versus them’ mentality. People from opposing sides become entrenched in their positions, refusing to listen or engage in meaningful conversation. As a result, the core aim of protests the desire for change and progress becomes overshadowed by animosity and hostility,” Okafor added.